Domain Areas Enabling Specialists Health Leveraging Assets Social Protection TechTonic


Available as a web platform and integrated android app, this product enables frontline staff workers in any setting (urban, rural, rurban) across thematic areas to:

  • Guide dialogue by the staff on multiple topics as defined by the programme
  • Create reminders and alerts for follow-up
  • Use customised non 1-1 based workflows for reporting and follow up
  • Allow decentralised analysis and decision making

Built within the framework of a prayer wheel, where every interaction is a continuation of the previous discussion, and enhanced by an easy-to-use UI and vernacular languages, this solution helps all the key staff in a programme plan and monitor their programme.

Know more about DICEflow

Domain Areas Enabling Specialists Leveraging Assets Livelihood TechTonic


This is a digital, societal platform that provides scale and integration to farmers and artisans. It serves the farmer and other stakeholders who play a vital role in the farmer’s livelihood. Such stakeholders are invited to this platform with an intent of exploring new opportunities, expanding business scope, exchanging data and even plugging into each other’s systems through interoperability.

Know more about PIE.

Domain Areas Enabling Specialists Health Leveraging Assets TechTonic

Wash App

The solution consists of an Android app and web platform that helps hospitals monitor and execute healthy WaSH practices. The WaSH App has been made in accordance with the Government of India’s Kayakalp Guidelines prepared for healthcare facilities. The multilingual app has a simple and iconised user interface and configurable functionalities.

The adoption of appropriate WaSH habits within healthcare delivery systems on a real-time basis is expected to reduce delay in action when issues are reported, save time, save money, and, most importantly, save lives.

To know more, write to us.